Attendance at SNJH

  • We have  8 class periods plus lunch time and attendance is taken for every single class. As opposed to Elementary where attendance is only taken once during the morning.
  • Our entry bell rings at 7:55 a.m. and the tardy bell rings at 8:00 a.m. Students who are not inside their classroom before the tardy bell rings will be issued a tardy at the front desk. Tardies accumulate per 6 weeks and discipline consequences are assigned as follows:
    • 1-3 tardies = documented warning
    • 4-5 tardies = lunch detention
    • 6 tardies = after school detention
    • 7 tardies and more = in school suspension
  • Students arriving after 8:25 a.m. will be marked “absent” on their 1st period and all periods missed up to their arrival time. For a student to be counted present he/she must attend at least half the class period.
  • Students leaving early will be counted absent on the classes/periods that they miss from the time they are signed out of campus. To pick up your student you must always present a valid picture ID.
  • Unfortunately, some absences cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is important that you call the school to report an absence at 956-686-1415 and ALWAYS send a written excuse for your student’s absence.
  • For extended absences, make arrangements with the school Attendance office and Assistant Principal. These cannot exceed the 90% attendance rule.
  • Perfect attendance requires that the student be present EVERY PERIOD and EVERY DAY.
  • Summer school for excessive absences may be the only option to regain credit for promotion.